Virtue Signaling

1 minute read

I thought I would write a short piece on virtue signaling.

One of the things that I think have been causing me to not do as well as I could be doing is due to virtue signaling.

I tend to think that God is watching and so will do things that I think that God would want me to do and not things that I think are right in my heart.

So I would essentially do things in attempts to impress God, which is very wrong to do because I am not being very real and authentic with myself.

I guess its foolish to do such things because God doesn’t need his subjects to do any such virtue signaling to him or to anyone else for that matter.

But God wants all his subjects to be very real with themselves.

I guesss like related to that is that you shouldn’t seek to give into others expectations of you and not give into who others want you to be in life and not conform to what others want you to believe.

I also felt that other people were better than me in some way and didn’t see them as people, but didn’t see myself as my own person standing on my own two feet and taking action in terms of what I truely believe is right and wrong.

But you know one thing I really have learned on my journey which I think is really important is to believe in yourself and your own abilities, but also to believe in others.

God would also like all his subjects to have absolute faifth in him and God would reward those of whom are faifthful to him.
