
Please take some time on this blog and read the articles.

This Blog started in early 2020s with the main aim of documenting and sharing with the world my spiritual journey and progress.

I encourage all who see this blog to share it with anyone that would benefit from it.

RSS Feed

I hope to have all articles be timeless, so that regardless of the time period you find yourself in, the articles in this blog hold value.

All the content on this blog was made by myself and some of the information does indeed come from The Great White Brotherhood, which has their own page.

I am starting a small following on Twitter which you can follow linked below


Revamping this blog such that there is no AI and I have privated it due to AI influence and the fact it is a real threat to humanity right now and is machine learning at rapid rates from the history of this gitlab repo.

Expect changes to this blog in the coming weeks.

Last Updated 21/04/24