
2 minute read


I wanted to make this short post today on judging others and yourself.

I’ve suffered immensely because of all the judging that I have given to myself, all the times I felt like I’m unworthy or inadequate because of all the judging that I have given to myself.

It’s also caused me a lot of suffering thinking about how others will judge me or view me, and I guess it’s mostly because of all the judging that I have given to myself and so I think that everyone else judges me the same way that I judge myself.

But I realized that giving judgment to someone (including yourself) isn’t correct because of all this suffering that judging inflicts.

It causes people to believe that they are constantly being judged by others which causes them a lot of suffering.

In light of this, I feel it’s very important to put efforts to reduce the judgment you give yourself and the judgment that you give to others because of all the suffering that it is likely to cause.

An important point that the Buddha made when he was on earth (which I got from this awesome book Why Buddhism is True by Robert Wright) was that the less you judge things – including the contents of your mind – the more clearly, you’ll see them, and the less deluded you’ll be.

In judging, you are essentially implying that your way of seeing things is the correct way of seeing things and is the correct reality – when that is not the case.

But I think what the Buddha was saying was that the less judging you are to things, the more in line with reality you will be.

Judging myself or worrying how others will judge me has caused me a lot of suffering in my life and I realize now that you shouldn’t judge yourself or worry how others will judge you.

Put efforts to if, others judge you in some way do not allow their judgment of you to cause suffering, seek to forgive them.

Let God be the judge of those that judge others.

It’s also important to not seek vengeance on those that caste judgment to you, but it’s also important to show those that have been judged by others unfairly compassion, understating.

Then it’s also important to show those that have judged others forgiveness in what they do because I feel like the people that judge others a lot don’t quite realize the suffering that they are causing to others.

Update 1: 22/02/22

It also goes against thou shall not kill.
