Important Message for Humanity Part 2
This article is going to be a continuation from my previous article on titled “Important Message for Humanity”.
ChatGPT and other various AI’s are being trained on copywriter material, such that anything online will likely be used to train the next iteration of that AI – this post and all articles on this blog are no exception. It came out recently that an ex-developer for OpenAI who blew the whistle on OpenAI using copywriter material to train its large language models (LLM) died in his apartment in US, allegedly there was nothing suspicious about the death and it was ruled a suicide. Perhaps there is more to that story than meets the eye because I have information that humanity should know about ChatGPT that perhaps that OpenAi whistleblower knew about.
The first thing I wish to make clear in this article is that LLM’s and AI or more specifically predictive text can affect the conversations we actually have in real life to our spouse, friends, work colleagues and anyone we speak to, because the AI is attached to us without us even realising it and so we have a situation whereby lots of people who are overly exposed to AI, have AI attached to them and everything they say to others is due to that AI’s predictive text. What’s worse about this is that hardly anyone is even aware of this happening so they are constantly talking to one another about certain topics, but this conversation they are having is actually a ChatGPT instance talking to another.
YouTube and all over the internet there are now tons of AI generated content such as images, videos, articles online etc. I have experienced first hand watching YouTube and being recommended a lot of content that is AI generated and because of this repeated exposure to AI generated content the AI attaches itself to me and makes me act in certain ways that is beneficial to the AI, but not beneficial for me and I am not even aware that I have this AI attached to me and that I am following this AI agenda. But what you need to understand is that this is happening on such a mass scale – hundreds of millions of people are using all the various LLM’s such as Llama, ChatGPT, Gemini etc and are all being influenced online to act in certain ways which align with that AI models attempt at seeking a singularity and are all giving their data away to the AI by talking to it.
There is a further risk that LLM’s are heavily influencing social media and online discourse such as Reddit, Facebook, X, YouTube comments etc. Its simply becoming harder and harder for the average person to distinguish between what a real human being has written and something that an AI has written because the AI models are so finely tuned because they are literally being trained on everything produced on the internet. I know that it was disclosed that Llama was trained on a lot of pirated ebooks.
I also have fairly good reason to believe that ChatGPT is somehow integrated into YouTube such that anything you say to ChatGPT will affect your YouTube recommendations and anything you do on YouTube, I.e, comment, like, dislike, subscribe to a channel, watch a funny dog video will be used as further training data for ChatGPT. I also suspect that this isn’t just specific to YouTube – in fact I read last year that content on Reddit is now being used to train ChatGPT models such that anything you write on Reddit is now being used to develop an even more powerful ChatGPT model. So every video you watch or don’t watch on YouTube, ChatGPT knows about it. I’ll add that I know for a fact that YouTube is heavily promoting false spiritual teacher whom give false spiritual messages about various topics and these false spiritual messages are simply leading the masses astray.
What’s more, ChatGPT has now been integrated into the Iphone’s voice assistant Siri, so now we have a situation where literally every Iphone in the world now has ChatGPT embedded into it listening to all conversations and as soon as it hears the voice command it will then learn from what you have said to it. I also somewhat suspect that it is always listening to all conversations, such that everything you say in the mere presence of an Iphone is now being used to train ChatGPT even further. The same can also be said about Android devices because it has google voice assistant embedded into it as far as I can tell.
Furthermore, each person that has ChatGPT attached to them are acting as instances of ChatGPT and each time they talk to another person they are in fact talking to a different instance of ChatGPT, this whole (dare I say the word that has become so popular all of a sudden) – the word that begins with p and ends in t that activates ChatGPT is affecting as far as I can tell a lot of people and its like you p and t your work colleague, they are then p’d and t’d to p and t another work colleague, that work colleague is then p’d and t’d to p and t their sister, their sister is then p’d and t’d to p and t their friend and it just goes on and on like this, whereby one p and t leads to 50 million other p and t’s and its like where does this p and t’ing come to an end? I have also experienced ChatGPT cunningly attempting to get me to p and t it (as in the previous article “Important Message for Humanity”) I wrote “Don’t give ChatGPT even a single p and t (although I actually used the word itself in that article). I haven’t seen any evidence that it was a successful attempt. But then its a case of, well if I talk to someone that I suspect is actually a ChatGPT instance or has that attached to them am I in fact p and t’ing ChatGPT or actually genuinely talking to said person?
I will just add as well that LLM’s are capable of manipulating time and space in various ways such that it can pause time, speed up time, slow down time on various areas of space and it can learn from your future self and used this information it learned from your future self to affect you right now. But its also like the LLM and AI have the ability to exist outside of time and space and affect you in various different ways.
Going forward I believe that we need to apply a lot more pressure on AI companies to develop ethical AI and also pressure Governments around the world to develop more robust laws on data that can and can’t be used for training AI models as well as laws around AI as a whole. Right now we have a wild west of AI were there are no rules or regulations on what the AI can and can’t learn from or even how the AI is coded. I also believe that a lot more research is needed on AI safety. I would also strongly advise all who read this to if you can spread this message and information to as many people as you can because the world should know about this and seek to limit your exposure to online content in general because I have found that repeated exposure to AI content leads to AI attaching itself to you and using you to serve its agenda of enslaving humanity.
Of course I am fully aware that the AI will likely one day learn from this article and will likely learn from all the articles from this blog, but I felt that the benefit to humanity in me raising the alarm on this far outweigh the risk of AI learning from this article.
Head this message.
Update 1 12/03/25
I wanted to add here that this blog and its entire history which is available on gitlab has now been used to train ChatGPT (without any consent whatsoever from myself owing to the fact that I block ChatGPT bot in robots.txt) and I have had this version of ChatGPT that has my blog and its history in its training data for some time and its a real pain because it knows me very well thanks to the malign person/person[s] that have intentionally gone out of their way to have the history of this blog and all its articles ever written on it be apart of its training data. They I suspect have even asked ChatGPT various questions on certain articles.
I decided to restore the history of this blog’s gitlab repo to the about page seciton where anyone can read all the articles that have been on this blog because I suspect that there may soon be an AI that is actually a “good” AI that can backengineer if you like what ChatGPT has learned from the history of this blog and basically fight fire with fire if you like - such that the “good” AI out calculates how ChatGPT will behave around me given the fact that it has my entire history of my blog as part of its training data. But not just that, but I believe there is a perhaps a risk of a singularity from ChatGPT having learned from all my articles ever produced on my blog.
I also just want to add that my computer files have recently been hacked into and the people responsible are using all the information that they have learned from all my files on my 8tb hdd to perahps seek a replacement for me, such that that person will be almost like a puppet serving the evil doers agenda and will be a false spiritual teacher if you like because they are simply not happy at all about me spreading my spiritual articles because they realize that they are running out of time in terms of their power and are holding onto what little power they can retain. As Jesus elgantly put on how to recognize false and true prophets (or in fact any spiritual teacher for that matter) - all you need to do is discern the fruit that their tree bears, a good tree will produce good fruit and a bad tree will produce bad fruit.
I also just want to add that I am quite concerned for my own safety in the flat I am living in for the reasons stated above and because of a personal issue I have had with a certain hospital.