Changing Too Quickly

1 minute read

When you grow spiritually its important to remember and realize that you need to change slowly so that the perfections and changes you make are accepted into the psyche.

Lately I haven’t been doing this at all.

Its kind of been like adding water to a cup already full.

You need to empty that cup a little each day when growing spirirtually so that the changes and growth you make are accepted and normalised within yourself.

Its often the case that in my life and my spiritual journey that I have times of rapid rates of growth and during such times it often happens that I tend to “rush spirituality”.

Therefore the advice that I give to myself and to you if you do notice that you have changed too suddenly is this:

  • Spend lots of time in self reflection, doing things such as meditation, jouranling, mindfulness
  • Go slowly with your spiritual growth, perhaps spending less time reading about spirituality, less time in prayer etc
  • Talk to people about what you are going through and have gone through
  • Doing art has really helped me a lot
  • Find meanindful activities you have always enjoyed in your life, for me this is IT related things
  • Go out for walks in nature and spend time actually sitting on grass and involving yourself with nature
  • Exercise helps a lot
  • Therapy for some people can be beneficial
  • Spend time getting to know yourself through things such as self reflection
  • Take an entire day where you don’t talk or communicate (kinda like a vow of silence), this has helped me recently

Ensure you go at your own pace with spirituality and please don’t rush it and remember the anology that I use of “You can’t put more water into a cup already full”.

Take time to digest all the spiritual teachings on this blog and take time to consider and contemplate on all that I teach on this blog.

Do it for yourself, don’t do it because I teach xyz and your friends are following this blog.
